Wounded: Masculine & Feminine Energy

We must have grace and self-compassion as we observe the Wounded...

We must have grace and self-compassion as we observe the Wounded: Masculine and Feminine aspects.  We are all wounded humans and have come to experience contrast to know what does/doesn’t feel good.  Our bodies are designed to hold us accountable (discomfort/pain), though ultimately, we have the ability to hold ourselves accountable (through behaviors/awareness/action); freeing our bodies to simply be radiant and resonant instruments of Joy, Love and Light.

The Wounded Masculine requires Accountability to Return to Balance.

The Wounded Feminine requires Boundaries to Return to Balance.  

When it comes to healing wounded aspects of the masculine or feminine, it requires being met by Balanced Energy.  It is an intelligent and delicate interplay; finely attuned to the woundedness, astutely observing what Entry Point is first needed: Masculine or Feminine.  All will resist, stay in the wounded aspect, until they are met precisely with the tailored entry for them.   Where some require: logic, reasoning action (Masculine) before willing to shift, others require: love, compassion, empathy before willing to shift.  The goal is to empower the wounded!  Change is not to be forced.  The wounded aspects want to change (Transform) and the goal (Intention) is to meet the wounded aspect with what they need in order to change.  All wounded aspects just want to be loved and accepted despite the chaos and discord it creates.  

As a bodyworker, I meet trauma (somatically and behaviorally) with a keen awareness for what the client needs to establish safety and trust.  Often Balanced Feminine Energy is required for this.  In time reasoning and logic will be received though that is not the place to typically start with trauma.  If the pain could speak, what would it say?  It requires patience, empathy, compassion, receptivity and the FULL Balanced Feminine to hold this container until a very deep need has been satiated and then the Balanced Masculine can be trusted.  I can not express enough how valuable understanding Masculine and Feminine Energy is; they provide the scaffolding in which I meet every client.  The contrast provided WHOLENESS.

Embodied Balanced Feminine and, Activated Balanced Masculine, Infinite Healing Potential.

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