Alignment Package

Receive immediate support to generate momentum for your Alignment and Transformation journey. Four treatments is meticulously crafted to meet your individual needs, providing comprehensive wellness solutions that empower you on your unique path to healing and self-discovery.
Woman enjoying a relaxing facial massage

About the Package

This is a great option for clients looking for immediate support with: alignment, transformation and guidance.  Whether you are experiencing physical discomfort/pain, emotional disregulation, a feeling of being disconnected from self/path or a desire to deepen your spiritual attunement, Alignment Therapy is designed to meet you on every level as it is comprehensive in its pure nature.  I find that every other week for the 4 treatments works best.  Though, this is your process and you can design it to fit you and flow how you feel is most supportive.  I do however recommend that the 4 treatments be received in a 2-month time period for optimal results.

What to Expect

Impeccable healing and support!  We meet bi-weekly (or as you design) and we deepen your healing process with each session.  Physical pain is a common complaint and this can be the most obvious shift throughout your treatments.  Though, you are being met on every level and Alignment Therapy is designed to expand beyond the physical to bring all of you into resonance and alignment.  The healing potential is limitless and there’s just no telling what you will experience.

Heartfelt Invitation

I’ve created this Alignment Package to accelerate your healing and alignment and to offer you immediate support/relief/results.  If this resonates, I extend my heartfelt invitation to experience and receive this supportive and healing offering.

*Please fill out and print this intake form to bring to your appointment.

How to Schedule

Select Alignment Package for each of your 4 appointments. You won't be charged online. Payment is received at time of service.

Payment Options

Payment Option - 1
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Payment Option - 2
Select Alignment Package for each of your 4 appointments. You won't be charged online. Payment is received at time of service.
Brightly colored hummingbird in mid-air.
stars review icons
Wow, wow, wow. I connected with Jolene because she came highly recommended from several people, and love exploring new healing modalities. I was met with DEEP physical, energetic and psychosomatic healing/releasing that far exceeded my expectations. Her style of bodywork is truly ineffable, she is the kind of practitioner with x-ray, intuitive vision coupled with an architect's eye and heart-centered listening that I have never experienced with a bodyworker. Absolutely see Jolene as soon as you can! I can't wait for my next session and am so grateful to have found such an amazing healer.


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