Healing Trauma

Healing trauma is not about getting rid of it, it is about expanding one’s capacity to hold space for it.
A person with hands raised, with a radiant light coming from his palms.
Healing trauma is not about getting rid of it, you can’t, it’s about expanding one’s capacity to hold space for it; expanding one’s container, allowing trauma to become less concentrated. Trauma must be met with profound safety and a fierce knowing that trauma does not get to be one’s entire existence. Trauma does not need to vanish, nor over-shadow an individual’s experience. Healing trauma is individualized, sacred and has no timeline.

Those who experienced trauma at a young age, learned how to be hypervigilant for their survival and it became their ‘super-power’. Though in time, this ‘super-power’ will deplete that individual for they are never truly at rest/ease. For this reason, it is imperative that those healing trauma, work with embodied practitioners, who know how important it is to be somatically and energetically in one’s own seat. I meet you from this place of embodiment and awareness. Together we co-regulate and provide your body with a safe space and safe touch. Healing trauma is a lifelong journey of embodying the feeling of safety and resiliency…your birthright.

Attachment & Connection

We are wired for connection as we need to belong. There are 3 main Attachment Styles that inform Healing Trauma: Avoidant, Ambivalent and Anxious. 

From these Attachment Styles result Core Wounds: I’m not safe, I don’t belong, I’m not wanted, I’m not worthy, I’m unlovable, I must do more to simply exist, etc.  Unhealthy Attachment Styles can be repaired and it is possible to create Secure Attachment even if it wasn’t received throughout child-development. 

Healthy Attachment can be established from positive relationships that support somatic awareness, co-regulation and attunement. Trauma is looking to be met by another who has the capacity to: acknowledge its existence, ability to hold safe space for it and recognize there is a pathway towards healing trauma.  t is said it takes 10 positive experiences to replace 1 negative experience. I meet you with a Trauma Informed Lens and somatic resonance that allows you to safely exist and explore your personal journey towards healing trauma.
Bright and colorful wild flowers in sunny meadow.