Alignment Deepening

Explore a deep dive into Embodiment, Transformation and Total Alignment over a year long Healing Journey. Receive on-going support that inspires you to become your Full You. A program designed to generate momentum that is self-sustaining and filled with Joy and Ease.
Closeup of woman with a her hands placed on her chest, expressing appreciation

About the Program

I invite you on a 12-month journey exploring your Transformation Potential, Total Alignment and Rediscovery of Self.  Alignment Deepening is for clients who are seeking discovery and deeper Alignment on every level: physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual.  Ultimately, in its purest essence, this is an experiential and somatic process of you being reminded of who you are and who you can be.  Total Alignment is achieved when one remembers who they truly are and live from that state of Beingness.  Imagine, if from a young age, you received your true reflection and permission to continue building on your Beingness.  Each session is a continuation and builds greater momentum towards your embodied transformation, Total Alignment and Beingness. 

What to Expect

This is a collaborative, experiential and co-creative process! I am your guide and I will hold the process so you can safely and freely: explore, learn and embody transformation and alignment. You will begin to see and feel shifts in and around you. The healing potential is limitless and the transformation and alignment is infinite. You invariably will deepen your connection to who you truly are, tap into something far greater and experience what living in harmonious agreement with oneself feels like.

Between Session Exploration

This is your time to integrate, download, practice and play.  I suggest writing to deepen your process.  Write out your intentions and invitations on index cards and hang them up on the back of a door, where they are just for you, holding power and energy towards your alignment.  Come in with things to explore and intentions to integrate for your next session.  Be devotional and playful in this process.

Heartfelt Invitation

I’ve created Alignment Deepening from my heart to yours. My mission is to support people in their transformation and alignment towards remembering who they are and who they came here to BE. I love to inspire and hold souls accountable to their Alignment Deepening. If this resonates with you and it feels like your time has arrived, I extend my heartfelt invitation to experience and receive this 12-month Alignment Deepening.

*Please fill out and print this intake form to bring to your appointment.

How to Schedule

Select Alignment Deepening for each of your 12 appointments. You won't be charged online. Payment is received at time of service.

Payment Options

Option 1:

Pay in-full
$1440 breaks down to $120/session

Option 2:

3 installments of $480
(Payments made on 1st, 4th & 8th) breaks down to $120/session

Payment Option - 1
This is some text inside of a div block.
Payment Option - 2
Select Alignment Deepening for each of your 12 appointments. You won't be charged online. Payment is received at time of service.
Brightly colored hummingbird in mid-air.
stars review icons
Jolene's energy is extremely clear, clean, bright, and full of both strength and love. It has been an absolute blessing and pleasure to participate in healing work with her. Jolene approaches the whole body, including the spiritual and emotional components, as she works with you to deeply relax and holistically align. Her energy and touch is beaming with compassionate love. I feel deeply held and very safe. She offers the opportunity for a very high level of transformational healing. I have had two spinal injuries in the past so I appreciate how gentle and subtle Jolene's touch can be- yet still profoundly healing. I would recommend Jolene to anyone who is looking to be authentically met on their healing journey towards their own inner truth with Divine Love and great compassion. THANK YOU, JOLENE!


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