Alignment Therapy

Experience your whole self being met through an integrative approach of Bodywork and Deep Exploration to support and accelerate your Transformation and Total Alignment. Each session is a continuation and builds greater momentum towards your: heart, mind, body & soul alignment.
Silhouette of a person standing in front of a sunset with hands raised in alignment, feeling grateful and peaceful

Heart, Mind, Body and Soul Alignment

Deep Exploration

Imagine a space where your whole self is met. Alignment Therapy is designed to meet you on a physical, energetic, emotional and spiritual level. You receive a safe space to show up exactly as you are, with a genuine invitation to be as messy and whole as you need, to explore what is weighing on your heart and mind, to discover what is ready to shift. Experience clarity and inspiration and align with the full you.

Alignment Therapy

After exploration of the heart and mind, we transition to the table to integrate and embody your alignment.  Using a combination of Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Trauma Therapy and Energy Healing, your physical and energetic bodies are guided into greater alignment to support your transformation and healing.  Experience being met in a way that regulates your entire being and communicates being fully: seen, held, heard and loved.  

*Bodywork paired with deep exploration will accelerate your transformation and alignment. Every minute is precious and where I don't structure the session to be a certain amount used for exploration/bodywork, I do know almost precisely when the time has arrived to transition to bodywork. You can trust me to hold this time in the most powerful and productive way possible.

What to Expect

This is a comprehensive and co-creative process! I am your guide and I will hold space for you to safely: explore, shift and receive total heart, mind, body and soul Alignment. You will receive: insights, clarity, intentions, invitations, bodywork and more!

How to Prepare

I invite you to contemplate your upcoming appointment and explore what intention/s you would like to bring in (journaling is helpful for this).  I invite you to show up fully and excited to co-create, raise your vibration and align with You.  We will spend sufficient time connecting (as mentioned above) and then move to the table.  You will stay fully clothed during the session; please wear comfortable clothing (removing: belts, jewelry, hair clips/ties).  There will be time to connect post-treatment and I recommend you schedule enough time to integrate and download before your next commitment.  I also encourage that you write down your insights and clarity that same day to have to support and guide your healing process.

Alignment Therapy was created from my heart…for YOU! 

*Please fill out and print this intake form to bring to your appointment.

How to Schedule


Payment Options

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Brightly colored hummingbird in mid-air.
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Jolene’s ability to provide healing in several dimensions of health is unparalleled. For me personally, she has had a positive impact on my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. In fact, every time I leave a session with Jolene, my nervous system feels reset and I am filled with optimism. The ripple effect from this into every aspect of my life cannot be overstated; she provides a wonderful and necessary foundation for me to build from. I’m amazed that such deep healing can come from such a light touch. I can’t tell you why it works, I just know that it does.


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