Healing Bodywork since 2010

I am deeply committed to my personal Alignment, Transformation and Spiritual Growth and it is my absolute honor and joy supporting others in their own healing journey.
Brightly colored hummingbird in mid-air.
A stunning floral wallpaper featuring a variety of beautiful flowers.

Education & CE


Bachelor of Arts Degree 2003
Oregon School of Massage in 2010 (license #17693)

Continuing Education

Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Trauma Therapy, Energy Healing and Intuitive Training

Nature Connection

I grew up in southern Minnesota and my childhood was spent outdoors connecting to nature.

It was my connection to nature that preserved my sense of self and gave me a connection to something bigger. I grew up in muck boots (still my favorite) and spent countless hours roaming farmland and the countryside exploring nature’s beauty, and it was in those moments that I felt most whole, at ease, and with Love.

This remains so to this day. When I’m feeling unclear or lost, I turn to nature to find my true reflection; to reconnect with infinite possibility and beauty, to remember who I am and where I come from.
A radiant sunbeam peeks through the dense forest, illuminating the trees with a golden hue
A person with hands raised, with a radiant light coming from his palms.

Committed to Alignment

I’ve come to serve as a reflection for others to find their joy and feel their inherent beauty and goodness. I’m so grateful for my vocation as a body therapist. I’m committed to help people live an embodied, connected and aligned life.

To do this, I’ve integrated my bodywork training, energy healing, somatic trauma therapy and intuitive attunement to create my very own modality: Alignment Therapy; Total heart, mind, body and soul alignment.

Supporting Transformation

I am deeply committed to my personal transformation and supporting others through their own transformation. I know just how difficult transformation can be. I’ve plunged into my own wounded aspects, experienced extended periods of uncertainty and defeat. I meet you from an embodied knowing of how transformation is designed: to bring death of the old to birth the new. We are constantly changing with the seasons though we have the ability to be co-creators in our transformation. So why not accelerate your process!

My husband and kids hear me say this all the time: Shift! I meet ALL with an embodied boundary (Feminine) and activated accountability (Masculine). From this place of unwavering love and devotion, we grow and transform into our Full Selves (or butterflies if you will).
Butterflies gracefully fluttering in the air against a stunning sunset backdrop.
Woman standing in sunny field, enjoying the warmth of the sun.

Spiritual Connection

I work in a space of mystery and unknown.  My guiding light is how it FEELS.  When I meet a place in the client’s body that feels so good and I say to myself “I could stay here for 1000 years”, I know we are meeting something important, so right, that I stop all my action and simply wait, listen and follow what is unfolding, unwinding and simply beyond my understanding.  I consider these to be spiritual moments and it requires meeting previous “entry points” to reach this level though when it arrives, it all makes perfect sense (without words to explain).  I’m often overcome with immense gratitude, joy and clarity. 

I feel the presence of spiritual beings guiding the healing and sometimes when I look at my hands, I realize they are not mine alone.  My prayer is for the highest Love and Light to assist all healing.  Alignment Therapy is an offering beyond me and I could not do this work without a strong spiritual connection.
Science is wonderful and necessary though, I transcend science to meet an expanded state of connection, knowing and potential; allowing deeper alignment, meaning and healing. 


I am married and have 2 children. I enjoy being playful and helping all souls feel seen, heard, valued and loved. Those special moments I look forward to are: spending time near the ocean, being in nature, making beautiful creations, baking healthy treats, walking with beloved friends and simply being me.
Jolene and her daughter walking on a trail in the woods, surrounded by tall trees and lush greenery.