Spiritual Connection
I work in a space of mystery and unknown. My guiding light is how it FEELS. When I meet a place in the client’s body that feels so good and I say to myself “I could stay here for 1000 years”, I know we are meeting something important, so right, that I stop all my action and simply wait, listen and follow what is unfolding, unwinding and simply beyond my understanding. I consider these to be spiritual moments and it requires meeting previous “entry points” to reach this level though when it arrives, it all makes perfect sense (without words to explain). I’m often overcome with immense gratitude, joy and clarity.
I feel the presence of spiritual beings guiding the healing and sometimes when I look at my hands, I realize they are not mine alone. My prayer is for the highest Love and Light to assist all healing. Alignment Therapy is an offering beyond me and I could not do this work without a strong spiritual connection.
Science is wonderful and necessary though, I transcend science to meet an expanded state of connection, knowing and potential; allowing deeper alignment, meaning and healing.