Alignment & Transformation

Interconnected and you can't have one without the other
Stacked stones on beach at sunset, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere by the water's edge


Let me explain how I’ve found physical alignment to work.  Your physical body follows energy and energy follows thoughts.  Alignment Therapy redirects energy and realigns structure.  During Deep Exploration (time before bodywork), we redirect your attention by deepening your awareness for limiting belief patterns; that have led you away from your Alignment. This clarity through Deep Exploration can be enough in itself, though I’ve created Transformation Support  as an add-on to Alignment Therapy for those who want to receive additional support to embody this key component in Alignment. 


Alignment is living a life of intentionality and action towards your true nature; deepening connection to your humanity and divinity. The highest intention is for you to BE YOU. For you to move in this world as your authentic-birthright of your Full Expression of Self. To support your Total Alignment, I’ve created this simple formula: Intention + Action = Transformation. Transformation is a process of redirecting your attention (with Intention), embodying your energy (with Action) and aligning your body (with the Joy of Being YOU).

Supporting You

Are you feeling stuck and looking to generate momentum towards your Intention/s? I believe you can do it on your own, though I too know, we need to be supported and held accountable through the process . I am here to support YOU! I am deeply committed, through intention and action, towards your Transformation and Alignment and I invite you to let me support you.
A blue butterfly, symbol of transformation, rests on a dandelion seed pod against a backdrop of a sunrise or sunset sky.